As a small business owner, you must save money whenever possible, and international payments can be expensive. Global payment transfers charge a significant fee which can be costly for a business that has to make multiple transactions.
Conventionally, most businesses rely on banks for international money transfers, which charge a sizable markup fee. During a transfer, the fee depends on the currency and the amount of cash sent.
In addition, global bank transfers take time which can be detrimental to businesses. Recent technological advancements have made global transfer options faster and more efficient. As a businessman, there are now many money transfer options that are affordable and timely. If you’re looking for an appropriate option for global payment transfers, it’d be best to consider international wire transfers.
Here is a guide on making seamless payment transfers for your small business:
1. Ensure Security In Transfers
The most crucial element in global payment transfers is security. Your small business has no room to risk losing money during transfers. If you’ve opted to use international wire transfers for your business, start by researching the online business account. It’d be best if you ascertained that the account is safe and secure from hacking or other security breaches.
Though you must be careful about security, online wire transfers are often safe. Online wire transfers adhere to several strict regulations, making them quite secure. Moreover, online money transactions must comply with the regulations of the countries they’re transacting in. The regulations and laws on online money transfers ensure that transactions are secured, and small businesses can take a backseat and enjoy convenience.
2. Understand The Payment Systems
Your business probably handles many transactions within a short period, and knowing how the payment system works would help ease the process. Business online payments can differ slightly from individual payments because there are several payment integration systems that you can use. In the first integration, the customer is directed to the payment page on your website. In the second type, you’ll have full control over the payment system, where you can have a checkout page that keeps credit card data.
The payment system you choose for your business should cater to your consumers’ needs and ease international transfer. In addition, the system should make it easy for you and your customers to transfer money from anywhere in the world.
3. Consider Speed And Rate Of Money Transfer
Whether you’re using online money transfer or traditional banking for global payments, you must consider the time and exchange rates. Having global customers means dealing with different currencies with varied exchange rates. The difference in currencies can affect the markup charges in global transfers. If the markup charges are high in traditional bank transfers, you can opt for online payment platforms with favorable rates. If you’re unsure of the most appropriate global money transfer option, you can consult a bank representative or agent.
Additionally, there are several global payment options that offer great speed in transfers. It’d be best if you opted for an international wire transfer that’s fast and almost immediate for a business. A fast payment option for your customers is crucial because clients can pay for their goods and receive confirmation immediately from anywhere in the world.
4. Manage Risks And Fraud
For a small e-commerce business, you must understand that using global payment transfers opens your business to many payment-related risks and data security breaches. It’d be best to familiarize yourself with subjects such as credit card data breaches when using online transfer options such as credit cards.
You can manage risks and possibilities of fraud by consolidating tools into the payment system. Risk management tools such as Geo-Conflict, BIN Lookup, and 3D Secure would flag any suspicious activities such as fraud. You can consider hiring a professional to manage risks and fraud cases while focusing on your business.
5. Have A Variety Of Payment Methods
As a global e-commerce merchant, you should consider having a backup international payment plan. You can also have multiple payment choices that cater to local and international demographics. Consider having all the payment options on the checkout page for access by customers. Various checkout options will allow clients to choose the one they’re accustomed to.
Moreover, different countries have dissimilar payment methods, and you must ascertain that your global clientele can make payments. Your small business can also benefit from the value added by the variety of payment options for your global customers.
Technological advancement has significantly impacted small businesses accessing the global market. As a merchant, you can transfer and receive payments anywhere in the world. Though online payment systems are convenient, they can also be risky and susceptible to fraud. As a businessperson in e-commerce, online money transfer is an area that you’d consider investing in. When considering international wire transfers, find the most secure and convenient system. Furthermore, global payment options add value to the business and cross-border clients.
Featured image credit: Image by tirachardz on Freepik