PayPal has partnered with the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) to grow its Singapore workforce by nearly 25%.
The move supported by the Digital Industry Singapore (DISG) as PayPal’s expansion looks to deliver on its goal of leveraging technology to make financial services and commerce more convenient, affordable, and secure.
Through this partnership with IMDA’s TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) Programme, new employees will join PayPal’s local and global team at its Singapore-based international headquarters.
Singapore is also home to the PayPal Innovation Lab, one of only three worldwide and the first outside of the United States.
To date, the teams in Singapore have successfully contributed to almost 140 patents in areas including advanced communications security, data science and artificial intelligence.

“PayPal is determined to support Singapore’s continued digital transformation into a global technology and fintech hub.
Our diverse workforce is our biggest competitive advantage, and PayPal’s employees in Singapore have a unique opportunity to participate in projects and initiatives that have an impact in the more than 200 markets in which we operate in.”
said Aaron Wong, Chief Executive Officer of PayPal.

“COVID-19 has accelerated the demand for digital services and innovation across the economy. This will generate good jobs for Singaporeans in areas like Product Development.
I am glad to see global enterprises, like PayPal, partner with IMDA to train Singaporeans for such jobs. Since Jul 2020, we have created more than 5,500 training and job opportunities with the industry under TeSA. We want to do more through such partnerships with companies.”
said Lew Chuen Hong, Chief Executive, IMDA.
Featured image: Paypal Singapore Office, image via Paypal