Consumer intelligence company Mobilewalla has launched LendBetter, its newest offering for digital lenders, at the Singapore Fintech Festival 2022.
LendBetter provides digital lenders access to a repository of global consumer information to help them improve their credit assessment and customer acquisition process.
The platform also offers financial institutions risk scores to predict the creditworthiness for new-to-credit borrowers, enabling them to extend loans to thin-file consumers.
LendBetter says that it has helped financial technology companies such as FinAccel improve their acquisition quality with the use of their AI-driven features as part of the credit assessment process.
“LendBetter’s deep insights into consumer behaviour have helped us improve our quality of acquisition by reducing fraud, allowing us extend credit with more confidence,”
said Paramananda Setyawan, Chief Data Officer of FinAccel.
“Mobilewalla is excited to work with digital lenders across emerging markets to enable financial inclusion for the new-to-credit.
Our partners find our future-proof features and scores to be highly predictive of consumer behavior, and easily integrable for a variety of use cases spanning customer acquisition, risk management, and fraud prevention,”
said Anindya Datta, CEO and Founder of Mobilewalla.