The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Elevandi announced that the theme for the upcoming Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF) 2023 would be ‘Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Financial Services’.
Held from 15 to 17 November at the Singapore EXPO, the SFF 2023 is organised by MAS and Elevandi, in partnership with Constellar and in collaboration with The Association of Banks in Singapore.
SFF 2023 will examine how technologies such as AI and Web3, and digital public goods, can help to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future and re-imagine the financial system architecture to better address the needs of the underserved.
There will also be a focus on securing the digital economy against modern climate, technology, and cyber risks.
In partnership with the National University of Singapore Asia Institute for Digital Finance, the ChatGPT and AI in Finance certificate programme will be launched for SFF pass-holders.
It will comprise self-paced online classes and feature exclusive industry talks by industry luminaries at the festival.
Here’s an overview of the festival
The SFF will kick off with the Capital Meets Policy Dialogue, Asia-Pacific Chapter on 13 November which will bring together policymakers, regulators and investors.
Elevandi will host the Africa Chapter of the Dialogue in Rwanda and the European Chapter in Switzerland in June 2023.
This will be followed by the Asia-Pacific flagship Dialogue at SFF 2023, which will focus on policy and regulatory priorities as well as key areas of AI investment.
In addition to that, the annual Innovation Lab Crawl will also be taking place on 13 and 14 November. This will give attendees the opportunity to step inside the innovation labs and witness the latest up-and-coming projects and innovations in the fintech industry.
At the same time, the Elevandi Insights Forum, scheduled from 13 to 14 November, will host deep-dive roundtables with public and private sector organisations.
The forum aims to address challenges faced in scaling up digital finance, ranging from frictions in cross-border data flows to differing maturity in digital infrastructure.
Last year’s forum saw nine reports published based on the 22 roundtables led by public sector organisations such as the Asian Development Bank, BIS Innovation Hub, International Finance Corporation, and the International Monetary Fund.
Breakdown of the SFF 2023
SFF 2023 will be divided into five thematic zones, with each zone hosting deep-dive dialogues and educational workshops, and showcasing innovative solutions.
The festival will then wrap up with the SFF Global Fintech Awards gala event on 16 November.
Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief Fintech Officer, MAS and Chairman of Elevandi Board said,
“Innovations in technology continue to present us with powerful tools to enhance the global financial industry’s responses to economic and financial challenges.
At SFF 2023, we have the opportunity to convene a global dialogue that will explore the potential of transformative technologies and policies for financial services, and bolster the fintech ecosystem against future shocks.”
SFF 2023 registration is now open. Complimentary passes are available for policymakers, regulators, think tanks, academics, coders and students. Startups will be able to get discounted tickets.