The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) has launched an ESG Data Platform to strengthen the capital market’s ecosystem on sustainability.
The platform offers an end-to-end ESG data management system from listed companies’ data filing to analytics and distributed ESG data to stakeholders.
The platform will have a full range of structured data in quantitative term, which stakeholders can make comparisons of different industries or analyse the financial data conveniently.
It also supports the listed companies prepare for an ESG disclosure in accordance to the Form 56-1 One report of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other ESG reporting frameworks.
In phase 1, listed companies have been able to submit their ESG data via the SETLink on 3rd October.
In this phase, SET will gather all the basic ESG data such as the amount of energy or natural resources consumption, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as data related to the employees and the director of the listed companies.
This will be done before linking the ESG data to the information filing system of the Form 56-1 One report.
Meanwhile, phase 2 will distribute ESG data to the SET public domain including SET website, settrade website and SETSMART in the second quarter of 2023.
SET will continue to develop the platform by focusing on the ESG data that can be used in the practical term, can meet the need of industries while taking into account the readiness of the listed companies.
Also, it plans to use the ESG data in the assessment such as Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) and the Corporate Governance Report (CGR), to reduce the listed companies’ burden and the overlapping task in their filing of information.

“SET has a strategy to put forward the development of ESG Data Platform, which represents an innovative infrastructure collaborated with partners in the capital market.
As a result, everyone can have an access to ESG data management system SET is well aware that a mechanism on information disclosure on ESG will play a vital role in shaping business development and sustainable investment in the long haul.”
said SET President Pakorn Peetathawatchai.