The financial crisis in 2007 had a series of impacts. First, there was the emergence of a new FinTech era lead by technology players. Second, we had an explosion (+700%) of student debt levels in the US, reaching US$875 billion and estimated to reach as high as US$1.16trillion. (Side note: as a reminder, the subprime mortgages amounted to US$1.3 trillion in 2007, with the difference that student loans in the US are outside the scope/protection of bankruptcy law – this raises the possibility of a systemic risk). Recently, Amazon Prime announced that it is now providing students with a new…
Author: Janos Barberis
Janos Barberis
Janos Barberis is a Millennial in FinTech, recognized as a top-35 global FinTech leader. His expertise, developed within his PhD at HKU, is focused on the new regulatory considerations raised by the development of FinTech. He sits on the FinTech advisory boards of the World Economic Forum's (WEF) and the Securities & Futures Commission (SFC). He founded 3 ventures to date: SuperCharger (Accelerator), FinTech Book (Publication) and FinTech HK (Research).
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