Every week, we bring you the latest developments and conversations in IoT and technology from Asia and around the world.
This week, our tech giants are forging ahead with AI while most of America fear a robotic takeover, and an ethics committee has been created to protect Artificial Intelligence.
More than 70% of US fears robots taking over our lives, survey finds
A World Leader in AI Just Established an Ethics Committee for Artificial Intelligence
Oh, and check out how the film industry is using AI to help with post production…
EPICOLOR Uses Artificial Intelligence to Grade Your Footage Automatically
Smart things/ Drones :
Swiss drones conquer the world – greaterzuricharea.com
Mercedes-Benz kicks off drone delivery pilot in Zurich – techcrunch.com
How Facial Recognition Plays a Role in Catching Criminals – datafloq.com
Where Driverless Cars Brake for Golf Carts – nytimes.com
Are Wearable Medical Devices the Way of the Future? – techstockinsider.com
Silkworms help create high-tech wearables – imeche.org
The need for security, the potential of smart – futurescot.com
No matter the size of your business, don’t ignore cyber threats – V3.com
Cyber threat to payment industry demands multi-layer defence – computerweekly.com
Business needs help to act on cyber security advice – computerweekly.com
SEC security failed to raise alarm over cyber attack – ft.com
38% of small businesses spend next to nothing on cyber security – teiss.co.uk
AI, etc.:
Google’s New Gadgets Come With a Big Helping of A.I. – nytimes.com
How to make the most out of your machine learning investments – information-age.com
Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning – 7wdata.be
The first pop song ever written by artificial intelligence is pretty good, actually – qz.com
Artificial Intelligence: A disruption in the education industry? – blastingnews.com
Artificial intelligence reshaping wealth management – theglobeandmail.com
How Big Data And Artificial Intelligence are Changing Online Lending – cointelegraph.com
Automation may take our jobs – but it’ll restore our humanity – weforum.com
10 imperatives in the age of AI and automation – mckinsey.com
60 #robots running a massive warehouse in #china. #robotics#ai#iotpic.twitter.com/b2Oq8At60v
— Mike Quindazzi (@MikeQuindazzi) October 2, 2017