Remittances has long been recognized as one of Bitcoin’s most obvious use cases. Sending money from one Bitcoin wallet to another is about as easy as sending an email. The impact on the 230 million migrants sending $430 billion in personal funds back home each year cannot be understated. Between 2013 and 2014, startups all around the world were being founded with the sole aim of building the “Western Union killer” that Bitcoin technology theoretically enabled. The 160-year old Western Union is the world’s largest money transfer company, and has a market cap of nearly $10B. Its size and brand…
Author: Luis Buenaventura

Luis Buenaventura
Luis Buenaventura is a Manila-based entrepreneur specializing in cryptocurrencies, and has been focusing on the Bitcoin remittance space since 2014. With his startup Bloom, Luis helps money transfer businesses improve their processes with Bitcoin and the blockchain. He blogs regularly at
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